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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Not sure how much more I can handle!!!!!!!

Well, like I said before, this was going to be my way of "venting". It's been a few days since I was here...lost the internet connection for a few days, but back up and running now. was rough for me. The whole holiday weekend was rough for me! Let's just be honest! My daughter, Jaelynn, has been poked and prodded so many times in the last month, I just want to crawl into a hole and take her with me and never come back out! Her poor little body has been through sooooo much lately! She had her appendix out about 3 weeks ago, I missed 3 days of work because of it. While she was there, she caught a slight cold...which is now pneumonia. I didn't send her to head start today because I knew she wasn't feeling good, so I took her to her God mother's house who is my best friend Chrissy, all so I would be able to go to an attempt to not miss anymore days for a while! Well, about 10:30, Chrissy calls me and says that Jaelynn has a temperature and I should come pick her up. (Chrissy watches 3 other kids in her home and she didn't want them to catch Jaelynn's cold) So, when I got there, Jaelynn's little body was so weak and limp! She scared me so bad! I scooped her up in my arms wrapped in a blanket and we headed off to the ER. She just saw a Dr. yesterday at Urgent Care at the Pediatricians office and they did a chest X Ray there and said it was just "bronchitis". Well, when they did another X Ray this morning at the ER, it had turned into pneumonia and her temp was almost 104 when I got her into the triage nurse. This is ALL I need right now! I haven't been at my job very long and they are really understanding, but I know from being a manager that there is only so many excuses you can accept! I'm afraid I am reaching the last one or two I can get away with. It's killing me inside because I wish I could afford to stay home with her and not have to get her out in the morning to go to school, but I don't have that luxury yet. Which brings me to my next reason for needing to "vent". Never in my LIFE have I ever seen two grown ass men more lazier then the two that live here with me! Travis and his cousin Lance are so f***ing lazy it's pathetic! Friday night, I did the dishes...not my turn, but I was afraid they were going to walk away with themselves after sitting in the sink for 2 days and no one touching them! Anyways, I used the last of the dish soap and asked Travis to run to the $ store (a BLOCK away mind you!) and he says "Ok, just a minute, let me finish this game". So, I agreed...unwillingly...but I wasn't in the mood to fight with him over dish soap! So, tonight I asked Lance if he would mind doing the dishes after dinner so that I could give the baby a warm bath and try to get her temp back down before she went to sleep. He said he would and then says "Oh, I can't...there's no SOAP."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just glared at Travis! I swear! Some people amaze me! Like these two! How are they able to survive WITHOUT A BRAIN BETWEEN THEIR EARS????? Just today, I was telling my son that it was "too bad most men think with what God put between their legs instead of what he put between their ears!". Well, anyways...HALF of the dishes got done, after Travis realized that I didn't give a rats ass if they sat there for the next 6 months...I was NOT going to give in and go to the store and leave my sick child here with these two numb nuts! And one more little story before I go...I took a bath with Jaelynn (trying to kill two birds with one stone...easier to for me to help her feel better and less water used!) and as soon as she was out, dried off and had her PJ's on and was downstairs with my 12 year old son who was engrossed in his new Tony Hawk American Wasteland game for his X Box...dumb ass #1 and #2 were out the door to go to the grocery store! I would have NEVER known they were gone except Jaelynn and Jordan started arguing and she was crying! I got out of the tub and hollered downstairs to Jordan "What's going on down there?" He says "She won't quit kicking me!" while Jaelynn is trying to yell over him "He won't stop tickling me!" I said "WHERE IS TRAVIS?" Jordan says "I don't know, he went somewhere in his car with Lance" So, as you can imagine, I am fuming by this time! The only thing that keeps running through my mind is this...THERE REALLY ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE THAT ARE THIS STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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