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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Time flies

For some reason, last night, I was DREADING going in to work this morning. I don't know why, I just was. It's not that I have to get up early anymore (my last job, I had to be there at 7am), I don't have to be in the office until 8:30, but I just did NOT want to go to work today and I was already dreading it last night while getting ready for bed! I need the money, but I just wasn't feeling the work thing today! I went in and before I knew it, the guy on the other side of the partition in front of my desk (Chris) was hanging up his headset to go to lunch! I looked at the clock and it was already 11am! The next hour flew by and I was out the door for lunch! YAY! Short as it was, I came back a couple of minutes late (my son was trying to talk me into taking him to a friends house and I had to explain to him that I had a limited amount of time before I had to be back!). Then, I got SO involved in my work, I didn't even think to look up at the clock. I decided to go and fill my cup back up with ice water and get more products to enter into the computer from the warehouse and when I came back to my desk, I happened to look up and it was already 4:45!!!!!!!! Only 15 min. until time to clock out and GO HOME!!!!!!!! I was so happy! And it seemed like it had only been an hour since I came back from lunch! Time had flown by! I don't usually get that involved in my work, but I was enjoying entering the product info in the computer! I wish that was the ONLY thing I had to do at work. I love the phone work, but sometimes, it's so hard and people can ask the STUPIDEST questions! Someday, I will be able to do what I went to school for...Nursing. I want to go back to school and get my RN, but we are so hard pressed for money right now, that it's just not in the cards for me. Maybe when I get my taxes back, I can go to school in the may take me longer, but I don't will be SO worth it in the long run! Well, that's it for tonight! The kids need baths and I'm tired! Susan


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