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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My weekend.

I took Jordan to see "Hostel" not my first choice for my 12 year old to see, but you have to understand him. He is mature for his age...he has been thru and seen so much. Sometimes, I forget his is only 12! The movie was okay...his friend Conner went with us. I think he was more scared then us. But, he liked it. It was more blood and guts then scary. My idea of scary is jump out of the closet and make me scream. The anticipation and feeling your heart in your throat is the best adrenaline rush for me!
There used to be this show on MTV. It was called "Fear" or something like that. Anyways, they would take like 3 guys and 3 girls and stick them in an abandoned place like a prison or a mental hospital and send them off alone, one at a time and make them sit in a room or something and try to register paranormal activities with electronic equipment. If they wouldn't or couldn't finish the task, they were sent home. The last people there by sun-up on the last night, won a bunch of money and they had to split it between them. They did some crazy stuff!
When I was in high school, we used to go behind the prison in Raytown to the abandoned insane asylum. We would get a bunch of people together on a Friday night after it got dark and go up there. We would park on a side street off Ozark Road and walk down there. We almost got caught going back up to our car one night. I had been in a car accident and broke my foot. I was in a walking cast and we were walking back up to our cars (I forgot to mention the fact that every hour, a helicopter would fly over and shine a spotlight down over the prison and the area surrounding it to make sure there were no prisoners escaping...if we were caught, we were SCREWED 5 ways to Sunday!) and we heard the helicopter coming. It was faint, but we could hear it getting louder...the louder it got, the faster we walked until we were all running like there was an old mental patient's ghost chasing us out!!!!!!!! I was the first one back to the car! Everyone was laughing at me trying to hobble my way back up the hill, but I was the first one back! Ha ha!
Well, I better get to work...


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