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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Well, it's almost time for Jordan to start up his yearly "football routine". As soon as the Chiefs season is over and the playoffs start, he starts his conditioning for next seasons games. Even though the season doesn't start until late July early August, he likes to be ready. He usually does this outside in the dead of winter or the heat of summer. So, this year, I suggested that we get a membership to 24 Hour Fitness and get in shape together. (God knows, I need it desperately!) I'm so out of shape it's pathetic. I have never HAD to work out. Growing up, I could eat and eat and eat and never gain a pound! I had Jordan at 19 and I was still pretty active then. He weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. at birth and I went home from the hospital 2 days later and got right back into my size O jeans. I was skinny up until 1998 when I had my second baby who weighed in at 7 lbs. 3 oz. I went through a deep depression after I had him and never really fully recovered from it and started packing on the lbs. I have tried every diet "pill" and every "miracle diet" known to its time to be real and honest with myself and realize that the lbs. aren't going to come off with a miracle pill. I have to work at it! And what better time to do it then NOW! Travis has moved out and I'm ready to get my shit together and stop fooling myself! I'm going to get in shape with my best friend in the world----Jordan! He's the best motivator and he is a great kid! We hang out all the time! He knows me inside and out and I know him inside and out. He's my son, but we have basically grown up together! I was young and alone when I had him, and we only had each other for a long time, so we are really close!
Wish me luck! I'll be posting progress as soon as we get started!


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