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Thursday, March 16, 2006

It's ALMOST Spring!!!!!!!! YEAH!

Okay, so I haven't been REAL faithful about writing, but hey! I've had alot going! I work all the time and I don't really have alot of free time between 10 hour days at the IRS and my 2 kids! Not to mention the fact that Travis is here nearly every day seeing Jaelynn. No, we aren't back together yet...I still have hope...things are changing, slow but sure! We don't fight anymore now that we aren't together 24/7, but he isn't working again and isn't looking, so that is frustrating. We talk, but not about the things we SHOULD talk about! Oh well, time will tell. I met a new guy...his name is Travis. LOL! Funny how life is, isn't it? He lives in Leavenworth and works at the Prison up there. My dad introduced me to him...they used to work together when my dad was a Leutinant up there before he retired last year. He is really nice and he has a 9 year old son and he gets along with my kids GREAT! They adore him! He actually spends TIME with them...that's ALOT more then I can say for any of the other men that I have had in my life...especially their own dads! Well, I just wanted to post some pictures since I FINALLY figured out how to do it! LOL!
I'll write more tomorrow if I get a chance!


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