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Monday, April 24, 2006

Okay, so it's been forever since I posted anything. I have been dealing with both the kids being sick. Jordan started about a week and a half ago. He felt sick, so he took his temp and it was 102.8! I was shocked because he really didn't say anything to me about feeling bad. So, I waited it out...nothing happened except his temp kept going up and up and up! I would BARELY get it down (never went back to 98.6, but close) and it would shoot right back up...most times even higher then before! So, I took him to the doctor and they said it was just a "virous" and there really wasn't anything they could do for him except let it "run it's course". I did. Mind you...this all started on Wednesday evening. By Saturday, his temp was almost 106!!!!!! My nephews birthday party was that afternoon and Jordan INSISTED that he was going, so I figured "Why fight with him, just let him go!", so we went. Well, he spent the entire afternoon in my sisters bed huddled up under 8 heavy blankets shivering and shaking...but still refusing to let me take him to the ER or even call his Dr. Well, my sisters husband has an Aunt (who thank God was ALSO at the party!) that is a pediatric RN! I was SO happy! She looked at Jordan's throat (I had also looked at it and never saw anything but it was kind of red...he has asthma and allergies, so it's normal that it was red). She said she could tell by just looking at his throat that it was Strep! She showed me and we could barely see the white spots, but they were definitely there! She told me if I wanted her to, she could call in an antibiotic for him and that way he wouldn't have to GO anywhere but home and back into bed. So, she called in some Amoxicillan and we were out the door on the way to the pharmacy! He was still sick for another 2-3 days with the fever, but eventually the Rx took hold and he was back to his old self...begging to go fishing!
Then, last Thursday, Jaelynn felt a little warm when I picked her up from daycare. I took her home and took her temp. It was 100.9! I'm thinking "I just got one of you well, now here we go again!" Well, I gave her some Tylenol and she was better within an hour or so. That night, she woke me up coughing her head off...sounding like a barking seal! I layed in my bed and sighed..."Great! Croup! Just what we needed!" So, I kept her home Friday from daycare and took her to the Dr. They agreed that it was croup and again, there was nothing they could do for her but let it run its course. It would get worse before it got better they said. Well, it did just that! Saturday night, she came into my bedroom around 2am saying that she was freezing. I felt her and she was on FIRE! I turned the bedroom light on to go and get the thermometer out of the closet and when I came back into the room, she was on my bed and was delirious. She was talking to (and trying to reach out and touch) flowers that weren't really there. When I looked at her, she looked like a little lobster. She was RED from head to toe. She couldn't really breathe through her nose, so the highest I could get the thermometer to (because of her breathing through her mouth) was 102.1. But, like Jordan's, I knew it was higher! I called the Dr and they told me to put her in a lukewarm bath and give her Motrin. I did and she finally fell back asleep at 6am yesterday morning and was back up by 9am! But, she was fine all day temp wise...she has a nasty cough and runny nose, but thank GOD no more temp!!!!!!!!


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