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Monday, March 27, 2006


I have had a HELL of a weekend! Funny thing is...I couldn't wait for it to get here and when it finally did...I was SO ready for it to be overwith!
Jaelynn spent the night with my sister Friday and Jordan was with his friends Connor and Chandler. Jaelynn came home Saturday and fell right asleep and slept for almost 3 1/2 hours! That isn't like her and I thought maybe she had just stayed up late the night before. HA! Not the case. When she woke up around 6pm and was running a temperature. It wasn't really high, but I could tell she wasn't herself! When she turned down PB&J and macaroni and cheese, I knew something was wrong with her! When I asked her, she said she had an earache! This is a child who had 17 ear infections before she hit the age of 1 year, so I new it wasn't anything to mess around about. The brakes are going out on my truck, so I called HIM to take us to the ER. He said "It would be too much of a hassle for me to come all the way there and do all that running...besides, I'm having dinner with my mom so I can't! Sorry!" I WAS LIVID!!!!!!!!!!! So, I called my mom and she took us. Sure enough, another ear infection!So, Sunday...he calls to see how it went. I said "You should have it's none of your business!" There's more to this...but the jist of it is...I got told that I don't give a shit about Jaelynn because I am pumping her full of antibiotics! WHAT THE FUCK EVER!!!!!!! Sorry, but I don't like seeing my kids in pain or sick! I'm a mother...what does he expect? Well, Jordan called and needs a ride, so I will try to finish later tonight after gymnastics class! FUN FUN FUN!


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