My blog title

Monday, August 28, 2006

Random thoughts 2

I have a really busy rest of the year! I have my aunt and uncle coming in town Labor Day from Oklahoma. Another aunt and uncle coming in the next weekend from California. My other 2 aunts and their husbands and my other uncle from California coming in for Thanksgiving to suprise my parents for their wedding anniversary! Not to mention, football every Saturday except this coming up Saturday. Jaelynn's dance recital again Labor Day weekend at Santi-Cali-Gon! I just don't know how I'm going to be able to rest! I'm also taking classes for Criminal Investigations...oh, and then there's WORK! I'm so exhausted right now it's not even funny! I know this is a short post, but I'm going to's 12:48am and Jaelynn JUST now fell asleep! Good Night!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

A day in the life of...ME!

So, it's been forever since I wrote. They changed my pills to stronger Chemo pills and if this doesn't's IV Therapy for me! Well, hopefully these work! I couldn't keep my job because of being so tired all the time...I wasn't any good to them because there were mornings I couldn't even get out of bed! These pills make me hurt all over so bad! I am still employed there, I will just have to fill another position when I am ready to go back to work. So, until then, this is my day...I get up in the morning at 6:45, take a shower, get Jaelynn to school by 7:30, go home, sleep all day until Jordans bus comes at 3:30, get up, go get Jaelynn, fix dinner for the kids, leave for football practice at 4:45, get home at 8:30, baths, snacks and, I'm exhausted! Travis still not here to help...given up on that promise long ago. He just makes me SO damn angry! His Aunt was on the exact same pills I'm on before she died of cancer, and he was up HER ass 24/7! I have his daughter, and can't even get a break! She is up until late at night and I have to have her at school by 7:30 every morning! If she goes to bed early, she is up in the middle of the night! I have had to go as far as to close her bedroom door when she DOES finally fall asleep and put pop cans tied to a string on her door knob, just so I can hear her get up in the middle of the night! Otherwize, she is roaming the house and I don't know about it! (Have caught her doing this twice now!) Travis told me to "move home with my parents" HA! Like THAT would solve anything! First of all there is NO room for me and my two kids there...and secondly, I'm 33 and need to stop depending on other people! 95% of whom aren't even dependable! Like HIM! Oh well, I'm off my soap box for the night...just checked on Jaelynn and she's FINALLY asleep! So, off to bed I go! Good night!