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Monday, August 28, 2006

Random thoughts 2

I have a really busy rest of the year! I have my aunt and uncle coming in town Labor Day from Oklahoma. Another aunt and uncle coming in the next weekend from California. My other 2 aunts and their husbands and my other uncle from California coming in for Thanksgiving to suprise my parents for their wedding anniversary! Not to mention, football every Saturday except this coming up Saturday. Jaelynn's dance recital again Labor Day weekend at Santi-Cali-Gon! I just don't know how I'm going to be able to rest! I'm also taking classes for Criminal Investigations...oh, and then there's WORK! I'm so exhausted right now it's not even funny! I know this is a short post, but I'm going to's 12:48am and Jaelynn JUST now fell asleep! Good Night!


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